LOL tomorrow having 3 hours of Advanced Maths test >.< the teacher who sets the questions,his maths damn geng ! He is d head of Discipline Master >.< he's fierce and strict~ == he ever sets questions for Olmpiad Maths or AMC Maths == it's something like [ICAS English] but it's maths paper =p My add maths teacher, Ah Wong said that teacher going to come out calculus == KNS Calculus is what u going to learn in d first year of University~ Calculus ?! Confirm fail ^^ hahahahaha~ but we have to stay there 3 hours ler T.T Ah Wong said can leave earlier but aleast must stay 1 hour and more >.<
so boring arh ! and going to have this 3 hours test often zzz
next next week might be the next test *urghh*
` this coming sunday is someone's BIG day ! ho ho ho =]
plan to celebrate it but a bit lazy also~ haha
but current plan is going out for movie and yea~ mayb shopping too..
boring right ? xD!
awaiting for presents =]
16th ! going to turn 16 soon~
hehehehe =D
28th March ♥